Your church

The church section in your dashboard lists the churches you belong to. If you haven’t yet joined or registered a church, this section will be blank. 

Before looking to register your church, please check that it isn't already registered by performing a search using its postcode. If you find it is already registered, please follow the instructions below for 'Joining a church if your church is already registered' to avoid duplicate records.


Registering a church

Press the Register/join a church button on the right side of your dashboard. 


This will lead you to a search page where you can enter your church’s postcode. If your church is registered, you will be able to select it from the subsequent list (see below). If your church isn’t on that list, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the Can’t find my church button. 

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You will then need to complete an online form to register your church. You need to provide the following information about the church:  

  • full church name;
  • full postal address;
  • denomination;
  • the number of worshippers; 
  • whether it’s urban or rural; 
  • year the physical church was built
  • if the church owns the building, and 
  • whether it is a listed building. 

After completing all the fields, click the Add church button.

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If your church doesn’t have a building, please put in the address of the location where you usually meet, for example, in a school hall or another community building. 
After completing all the fields, click the Add church button.

You will then be returned to your dashboard - your church will now be listed in the ‘Your churches’ section. You can click on the name of your church to see all the information you have registered it with, and to see the names of other team members as they join your church team in due course. 

Joining a church if your church is already registered 

Press the Register/join a church button on the right side of your dashboard. 


This will lead you to a search page where you can enter your church’s postcode. A list of churches local to that postcode will be produced - if your church is already registered, it will be on this list. Click the Select this church button under the correct church address. 


This will lead to a confirmation page. Please check the details to make sure you’re joining the right church. If it is your church, click on the Join this church button. 

You will then be returned to your dashboard - your church will now be listed in the ‘Your church’ section. You can click on the name of your church to see all the information you have registered it with and the names of any other team members who have joined the team for your church. 

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Leaving a church team 

Click on the name of your church in the ‘Your church’ section on the right side of your dashboard.

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This will lead you to your church’s information page. Scroll down and click the Leave this church button to remove yourself from the church team. Your individual account will then be removed from the listed members of the church’s team. The church profile will not be affected in any way if you leave the team. 


Once you have confirmed you want to leave the church, you’ll return to your dashboard, where the church name will no longer appear in the ‘Your church’ section.

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Multiple individuals can be part of the same church team 

Multiple people can be part of the same team for a church on the Eco Church platform and work on the survey together. You can see who is currently listed as a team member for your church by clicking on your church name on the dashboard, which is under the 'Your Church' section. This will take you to your church's information page.

Each individual needs to register their own account on the Eco Church platform and join the team for their church. Please see the ‘Joining a church if your church is already registered’ section of the help guide for how to do this. 

Anyone who is a member of the church team can make edits to the surveys for your church and will receive email updates in relation to your submitted Eco Church award applications. 

Please note: It is not possible to ‘replace’ one person’s account details with another person’s when someone leaves a church. Each person has their own individual account with their email address and password. 

You can also see our tutorial video for help creating an account and joining your church team here. You can skip to the appropriate sections of the video

0:36 - how to find the Eco Church platform

1:30 - registering a new account

5:51 - joining your church team if your church is already registered


A team member has left your church (or stopped being part of the Eco Church work)

If somebody has left your church and they are still listed as part of your church team on the Eco Church platform, please contact the Eco Church team via our contact form. Select the ‘ A team member has left my church’ option under the ‘Area you need help with’ field and let us know the person’s name. 

We will not remove their account from the Eco Church platform so they will still be able to use their account for a future church, but they will no longer be a member of your church team. If they would like us to remove their account, they will need to get in touch with us directly. 

Likewise, please follow the same process if a team member has stepped down from the Eco Church work in your church and will no longer be using the Eco Church platform. If they would like us to remove their account, they will need to get in touch with us directly. 

If somebody from your church team has sadly passed away, please complete our contact form to let us know, as appropriate. 


Updating your church details

It is not possible for you to update your church details. You can find your church details by clicking on your church name under the 'Your Church' section on the Eco Church dashboard. Please contact the Eco Church team via our contact form. Select the ‘updating my church details’ option under the ‘area you need help with’ field, and let us know the details that need updating. The Eco Church team will email you to confirm these changes have been made. 


Your church is merging or closing

If your church is merging with another church/es or is sadly closing, please contact the Eco Church team via our contact form. Select the ‘Our church is merging or closing’ option under the ‘Area you need help with’ field, and let us know the appropriate scenario for your church by typing in the available text box. 


Registering and applying for an award as a group of churches (e.g one church community with multiple worship sites) 

In most circumstances (including parishes), each church will register separately, but you may register a group of churches and apply together if: 

  • The group operates as a single worshipping community with a shared, centralised worship and teaching programme (for example, a multi-church parish, benefice or your church has merged with another church to become one worshipping community).
  • The group takes a common approach to the areas covered in the Worship and Teaching, Community and Global Engagement, and Lifestyle sections of the survey, but rotates where it meets, for instance, in a different church location each time.


However, if your church group does not have a centralised worship and teaching programme (each church does things differently or separately as individual communities), then each church must register individually on the platform and apply for their own awards separately. 

Registering as a group of churches:

Please include all of the church names in the church name title e.g. ‘Parish of XXX, St Mary’s and St John’s.’ 

Applying for an award as a group of churches: 

In order to apply for an award, you must create a master survey to record your responses for the three categories the churches have in common (Worship and Teaching, Community and Global Engagement, and Lifestyle). 

You’ll then need to fill in a separate survey for each individual worship place, to record the activity undertaken in the buildings and land sections. Choose one of the buildings and pieces of land to fill in on your master survey, and name the other surveys appropriately e.g. St Mary’s Church - building and land only. 

Please take care to consider and assess each building and piece of land individually, as no two will be alike, and you need to accurately capture the uniqueness of each. Survey answers should, therefore, not be automatically duplicated between surveys.

All the buildings and land included in your group application must reach the award level you are applying for. For instance, if you are applying for a bronze award, every piece of land and individual building represented will need to reach a bronze level or higher on the Eco Church survey to qualify for a bronze application. 

Once you have documented all the buildings and land represented in your application, you can submit for your award. You will only be able to submit your master survey, but please email us at to let us know that you are applying as a group of churches and there are multiple survey responses included in your application.

If you need help submitting an award application, please follow the guidelines in the 'Submitting a survey for an award application' section of the help guide.

In time, we hope to streamline this process on the Eco Church platform.