In the map section of your dashboard, click on the View Map button. This leads to the Eco Church map, where you can find other Eco Churches.

You can type a postcode or area into the search box and find Eco Churches in that area.

You can also use the filters at the top to select a specific award level (bronze, silver, and gold) or registered churches that haven’t yet achieved an award. You can also search by denomination. Click the Apply button to apply your chosen filter.
You can use the plus and minus arrows to zoom in and out and drag the map with your mouse to move around an area.

Churches that are registered but haven’t yet achieved an award will appear as a blue map pin. Churches who have achieved awards will appear as bronze, silver, or gold map pins, depending on the level of award they have achieved. You can click on the pin to see the details about the church, such as the address and award achieved.
To return to your dashboard, you can either click on the Eco Church logo at the top left side of the page or press My account at the top right corner of the page.